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D-Day 80 Grant Fund

D-Day 80

This year the UK will commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day, with a series of major commemorations and events across the UK and in France. In commemorating the anniversary we pay homage to the resilience and fortitude of the British veterans who played a crucial role in this pivotal moment of the Second World War.

The D-Day 80 Grant Fund

To support communities to hold their own events and activities, the Council has created the D-Day 80 grant fund totalling £20,000.  The grant must be used to hold an event or activity open to the general public directly related to D-Day 80 or for preparations leading up to an event taking place on 5-6 June 2024.

Grants of £550 - £750 are available to every parish or town council in the Borough.  Parish or town councils may wish to make a joint application or the fund can be available to community groups where the town/parish council gives its support to the application. 

Grants are also available to community groups organising events and activities in areas not represented by a parish/town council, up to a maximum grant of £750 for each event on a first come first served basis.

D-Day 80 Grant Application Form [41KB]

Please email your completed form to

Further Information

Further details on how to get involved can be found on:

D-Day 80 Website

Royal British Legion Resources

If you are planning to organise an event on council owned land please visit our Events in public places page.

Road Closures and Licensing

If you are planning to close a road you will need to apply for a Road Closure Order in advance of the event, so that the Highways Authority and Police can be consulted to ensure that there will be no undue impact on traffic management.

Other activities such as charitable collections, sale of alcohol and playing amplified music may also require a licence.

For all other enquiries please email