Local Plan Review
A review of the Local Plan has now commenced to update the policies deemed out of date and consider the scope for wider amendments
The adopted Local Plan 2016 has been declared partially out of date. A review of the Local Plan has now commenced to update the policies deemed out of date and consider the scope for wider amendments.
The timetable for the preparation of the new Local Plan and other planning policy documents is provided in the Council's Local Development Scheme
Early Engagement (19th January to 3rd March 2023)
The Early Engagement Document includes some of the information gathered to date that may shape future proposals and key issues that the Local Plan may need to address up to the year 2041.
The document can be viewed below alongside all comments received in response to the consultation.
High Peak Local Plan Early Engagement Document Jan 2023 (PDF, 12 MB)
The 99 comments received are combined into the below 2 documents and are in alphabetical order.
High Peak Local Plan Review - Comments A - J (PDF, 43 MB)
High Peak Local Plan Review - Comments K - W (PDF, 45 MB)
Site Suggestions
Do you want to propose a site for development? Or do you know of land or premises that you think should be redeveloped?
The Council are inviting individuals, groups and organisations, whether as landowners, agents or potential developers to put forward sites within High Peak Borough that you think should be considered for the potential to provide for possible future new development or alternative uses.
High Peak Site Suggestion Form (11-2024) (PDF, 326 KB)
Please return your completed Site Suggestion Form via email to LDF@highpeak.gov.uk or by post to Planning Policy, Buxton Town Hall, Market Place, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 6EL.
If you require another format, or any other help completing the form, please contact: LDF@highpeak.gov.uk or 01298 28400