Your Council
Councillor Information
Find out who your local councillor is, how to contact them and details of their allowances and expenses
Meetings, agendas and minutes
View meetings, agendas and minutes, or watch live web casts of council meetings
Voting and elections
This section provides information on how to register to vote, who is eligible to vote and how to vote when you are registered. It also includes information on past elections and the results
How the council works
The way we operate; make decisions; and the procedures we follow are detailed in the Constitution.
Spending and performance
Here you can find information on the councils spending and financial performance
Policies, plans and strategies
This is our central location for all policies, plans and strategies.
Mayor of High Peak
This section includes information on the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor, the history or the Mayor and how to request the Mayors attendance at your event
Jobs and training
Find out more information on what training and job opportunities are available within the council
Data protection and FOI
Information about freedom of information requests and how to make one, data protection, and the publication scheme
Consultations and petitions
This section contains information on our current consultations, how to have your say and how to put in a petition to the council
Parish Councils
Information on Parish Councils throughout High Peak
About our website and social media
Find out about our website and social media including privacy notice and social media acceptable use.
Climate Change
High Peak Borough Council declared a Climate Emergency on October 15th 2019
About our Website and Social Media
Find out about our website and social media including privacy notice and social media acceptable use.
VE Day-VJ Day 80
This year the UK will commemorate the 80th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, with Victory in Europe (VE) Day on 8 May 1945 and Victory over Japan (VJ) Day on 15 August 1945.