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Community safety partnership

Information on our Community Safety Partnership including who we are, what we do and why we do it

The High Peak Community Partnership includes organisations such as High Peak Borough CouncilDerbyshire County CouncilDerbyshire PoliceDerbyshire Fire and Rescue ServiceDerbyshire Probation Service and Local Commissioning Groups (Health).

Other organisations that we work with include community groups, residents' associations, schools and colleges and organisations such as Derbyshire WISHCrossroads DerbyshireDerbyshire Association of Local Councils and University of Derby.

By working with a variety of people from lots of organisations including the local police force and fire brigade, we work to tackle:-

  • crime and disorder
  • antisocial behaviour
  • behaviour that spoils the local environment, like dumping rubbish, graffiti and dog mess in public areas
  • misusing drugs and alcohol
  • adult offenders and young offenders re-offending

We carry out a review each year of the problems listed above and invite the local communities to add their thoughts and opinions as to which are most important and need tackling first.

Each member of our partnership has their own services and targets that they need to deliver. But we know that many problems can only be solved by organisations and people working together.

Each year we will develop detailed plans that show how we will work together to take action to tackle the main problems in our district. Many of these problems change over time so we write new delivery plans each year to make sure that we are always tackling the problems that matter most to you.

You can find more information about the work of the partnership and our action plan -  Community Safety Partnership Action Plan (PDF, 773 KB)

Where ever possible we want to involve the local community by

  • asking you what the main problems are in your area
  • involving you in helping to decide how to solve problems
  • providing support if you want to get involved in action to improve your area
  • letting you know what we've done to reduce problems in your area
Last modified on 13 September 2024

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