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Notes for organisers

this page contains useful information for organisers of Mayor events including how to address the Mayor, meeting and greeting and correct etiquette

The Mayor of the Borough of the High Peak is the first citizen of the Borough. The holder of the office attends a number of functions throughout the year, some formal and some informal. The more formal the engagement the more important it is that the role of the Mayoralty is understood and recognised. It is hoped that these notes will be of assistance to organisers of events where the Mayor will be attending.

Form of Address

The correct form of address is "The Mayor of High Peak, Councillor (current mayor's/deputy's name)

In conversation, the Mayor should be addressed as "Mister Mayor" and the Deputy Mayor as "Mister Deputy Mayor".


The law is that the Mayor, as Chairman of the Borough Council, has precedence within the Borough, but not so as prejudicially to affect His Majesty's Royal Prerogative.

The effect of this is that on most occasions, particularly formal ones, it is necessary that due consideration be given to the status of the Mayor in arranging processions, seating plans, speeches, receiving parties and so forth.

Occasionally, other holders of high office in the County, such as the Lord Lieutenant, the High Sheriff, the Chairman of the County Council or Members of Parliament, are also invited to events. Such gatherings often raise difficult questions of protocol. There are also some local practices to which the council has regard. In such circumstances, you are strongly advised to consult with the Mayor's office, who will be only too glad to assist.


Please supply the Mayor's Secretary with the name of one person who will meet the Mayor/Deputy Mayor on arrival and will introduce the Mayor/Deputy Mayor to some of the key people involved.

If the occasion is formal, please let the Mayor's Secretary know whether there are any special guests the Mayor/Deputy Mayor will meet.

It is important you let the Mayor's Secretary have the telephone number of a day-time contact if you are not readily available during working hours.

Whilst the Mayor/Deputy Mayor is attending your event, please keep him/her informed as to the order of proceedings and any duties he/she has to perform. These should already have been supplied to the Mayor's Secretary.

Depending upon the nature of the event, it is important that the Mayor/Deputy Mayor is not unattended or left to fend for themselves.


All details of the engagement should be included on the 'Invite the Mayor' form which you can complete using the button below.

Or sent via email to

Please telephone 07976753664 for a discussion with the Mayoral PA - Bethany Edwards.

Last modified on 29 January 2025

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