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Environmental studies

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (Level 1)

The Council has published an updated Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) (2024) to support the review and update of the High Peak Local Plan. The assessment:  

  • Collates and analyses the latest available information and data for current and future flood risk from all sources, and how these may be mitigated for development.
  • Will inform the emerging High Peak Local Plan including the selection of development sites and planning policies.
  • Provides comprehensive mapping presenting flood risk from all sources
  • Provides advice for applicants carrying out site-specific Flood Risk Assessments (FRAs)
  • Provides the basis for applying the sequential test on planning applications

Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment [4MB]
Appendix A Interactive Mapping Portal User Guide [185KB]
Appendix B Data Sources used in the SFRA [477KB]
Appendix C SFRA User Guide [120KB]
Appendix D Flood Alert & Flood Warning Areas [71KB]
Appendix E Summary of Flood Risk in High Peak Borough [207KB]
Appendix F Cumulative Impact Assessment [2MB]

Derbyshire Spatial Energy Study (2022)

A spatial energy study for Derbyshire has been produced to help understand current energy usage and future usage scenarios, and the potential opportunities for the delivery of renewable energy technologies within the county. Derbyshire is an area of high quality natural and built heritage and these special qualities have been factored into the study, identifying and mapping constraints to broadly identify the areas which are 'less constrained' for each of the various types of renewable energy generation. Local plans need to meaningfully contribute towards reducing emissions and the Derbyshire spatial energy study evidence will help local planning authorities to shape policies to contribute to the transition to a net zero carbon society. This study has been produced in collaboration between Derbyshire County Council, and constituent local planning authorities, including the Peak District authority in Derbyshire; it was supported by the Midlands Net Zero Hub and D2N2, and conducted by energy consultancy, Scene Connect.

Read more on this study, including all the related documents, on the Derbyshire County Council Website.

Peak Sub Region Climate Change Study

The Peak Sub-Region Climate Change Study has been produced by National Energy Foundation to assess the capacity of the Peak Sub-Region to accommodate renewable energy generation.

The study considers the capacity and potential for an energy supply derived from renewables and low carbon technologies across the Peak Sub-Region. It has been prepared in conjunction with a landscape sensitivity study and so evaluates the impact of renewable energy technologies, such as wind turbines on the Peak Sub-Region landscape.

Peak Sub-Region Climate Change Study Final Report [4MB]