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Renew a driver or vehicle licence

How to renew a drivers licence or a vehicle licence

You will need to renew both your drivers licence and the licence for your vehicle on a regular basis.

Renewing a driver's licence

Application Process for Renewal of Combined Driver Licence (PDF, 141 KB) (opens new window)

Licences to drive hackney carriages and private hire vehicles need to be renewed annually or three yearly. We will send one reminder out to you 60 days before your licence is due to expire. 

You will need to complete a DBS check every 3 years. Medical assessments need to be carried out every 3 years; annually if you are over 65. It is your duty to make sure that all information that we request is provided. If you don't provide full details, your licence application will be rejected. Your renewal reminder letter will tell you if you are due a DBS or a medical check.

From 1st November 2017, all High Peak Renewal Drivers requiring a DBS and DVLA check need to apply through the following website.  (The Driver will be given instructions via the website regarding identification requirements)

If you have a query about your DBS, please email or call the dedicated Helpline Number:  01254 355679 (please note that this is for DBS enquiries only).

Please make sure you understand the requirements of your licence and either have completed the pre-requisites or be working towards them.

From April 2022, all drivers renewing a Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Driver Licence must provide evidence to the licensing authority that they are properly registered for tax with HMRC. Read about the new Tax Conditionality requirements here. (PDF, 111 KB)


Find a list of taxi licensing fees here

How to apply

Renewing a licence for a vehicle

Licences for vehicles need to be renewed regularly, regardless of whether it is a private hire vehicle or a hackney carriage. All renewal applications must be submitted to the council no less than 14 days before expiry of the current vehicle licence.

Application process for a Hackey Carriage Vehicle Licence  (PDF, 57 KB) (opens new window)

Application process for a Private Hire Vehicle Licence  (PDF, 58 KB) (opens new window)


Find a list of taxi licensing fees here

If your plates are lost or stolen there is a £10 for replacement plates, badge or decal.

How to apply

You will need to complete an application form, which we will usually send out to you with your renewal reminder. If you have lost your form or have never received one see below -

Vehicle MOT inspections

All vehicle owners will need to obtain an MOT from one of the Council's Approved Testing Centres which needs to be presented to the Council.

List of approved MOT stations (PDF, 99 KB)

All advisory items listed on the MOT will need to be rectified. Evidence that these works have been carried out will need to be submitted along with the MOT certificate before the Authority will issue plates.

If you submit documentation from any other MOT Station then your application will be rejected by the Licensing Authority and you will be required to have the MOT done again at an approved test centre before your application can progress.

PLEASE NOTE that an MOT is required every 6 months during the period of each vehicle licence - one on each renewal and one 6 months later at the half way point of the licence. The Council will notify you when your Vehicle licence is due for renewal, but we will not notify you when your intermediate MOT is due - you must remember to book the vehicle in for the intermediate MOT and submit the document to the Licensing Service at the time. Failure to carry out the intermediate MOT and submit the documentation will result in Penalty Points under the Council's Penalty Points Enforcement Scheme and may ultimately affect your ability to licence the vehicle in the future.

Last modified on 20 February 2025

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