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Suffering with a mental illness or impairment and threatened with homelessness

Suffering with a mental illness or impairment and threatened with homelessness

The Council's housing advice team seeks to ensure that the early identification of housing problems takes place to hopefully prevent you from becoming homeless.

This will be achieved through partnership work and multi-agency working to prevent you from becoming homeless, through the necessary support you may require.

On the basis that you are suffering from a mental illness or impairment the council will consider whether you may be vulnerable and therefore in 'priority need'.

We will provide information about available support services and low level supported accommodation options through the Personal Housing Plan that will be completed with you.

If you need housing advice assistance and support with your housing needs, please contact the housing advice team.

If you have specialist health needs that require specific accommodation, you will need to contact your health professional to see what options are available to you. You should ask your health professional whether you are entitled to Section 117 aftercare which may include housing or support and care to help you sustain accommodation. More information on Section 117 Aftercare (

Useful contacts

Derbyshire Recovery and Peer Support Service deliver a Derbyshire wide service to support those with mental ill health. One-to-one targeted staff support, self management workshops, peer support groups and telephone support. Support in relation to housing, welfare benefits and employment if required

Tel: 01773 734989

MIND Free counselling, anger management, befriending and parent support. Tel: 01782 262 100 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm)

Samaritans Telephone support and online support Tel: 116 123 24/7

Harmless is a national support service for those experiencing self harm Email:

First Steps Derbyshire offer support for those experiencing eating disorders

Tel: 01332 367571Email:

Advocacy services

If you're having difficulties voicing what you want to say or being listened to in relation to accessing or using mental health services then you may be able to get support from an independent community advocate.

Contact Us

The Housing Advice service can provide you with housing and homelessness advice and assistance. Online referral form.

Tel: 0345 605 3010


If you are homeless and the council offices are closed, then you can contact the homelessness out of hours service on 0808 1692 333. You should only use this service if you have nowhere to stay immediately.