Whaley Bridge
Information on Whaley Bridge Ward Borough Council election which took place on 4 May 2023.
Results from the election which took place on Thursday 4 May 2023.
Name of Candidate | Description (if any) | Results |
CLARKE Nev | Labour and Co-operative Party | 1353 Elected |
HARTINGTON David Mark | Conservative Party Candidate | 460 |
HARTINGTON Lisa Maxine | Conservative Party Candidate | 486 |
KING Lewis | Conservative Party Candidate | 447 |
LOMAX David William | Liberal Democrat Focus Team | 837 Elected |
TAYLOR Jo | Labour and Co-operative Party | 1249 Elected |
THOMSON Andy | Liberal Democrat Focus Team | 755 |
Turnout: 43.23%
Last modified on 05 May 2023