Security stepped up following Town Hall break-ins

Published on 10 August 2021
Security has been tightened at the historic Glossop Halls following recent break-ins at the complex which is currently undergoing a £7 million transformation project.
The work currently underway at the Town Hall, Market Hall and Municipal Buildings will bring the buildings up to modern standards - creating jobs and new spaces for community use, entrepreneurs and micro-businesses alongside the introduction of energy saving technologies and fibre broadband.
Good progress is being made which has, so far, included the strip-out of the internal market hall and the installation of a large, central glazed sky light, replacement of the flat roof at the Municipal Buildings and the creation of two new glazed roof lanterns and the re-slating of all roofs.
However, during the break-ins intruders smashed the glass lantern roof in the toilets used by the Arcade traders resulting in damage to the lighting and ventilation system and causing the partial closure of these facilities; smashed glass in the new Town Hall roof glazing; broke glass in the rear windows at the Town Hall and damaged the frames; and smashed several panes of glass in the dome light which was due to be re-installed as part of the works.
Alongside enhanced security measures at the site, the front doors at the Town Hall and the Market Hall will be boarded up in the coming weeks.
Councillor Damien Greenhalgh, Deputy Leader and Executive Councillor for Regeneration, Tourism and Leisure, said: "It's extremely frustrating and disappointing that we are having to deal with such mindless behaviour at a time when we are investing millions of pounds in redeveloping these heritage buildings for the benefit of everyone in Glossop and the wider area.
"There is absolutely no excuse for such anti-social behaviour and I strongly appeal to those involved to reflect on the consequences of their actions. We will need to put right the damage caused, including to unique social heritage items, and have tightened the security of the site still further - all of which comes at a cost.
"The transformative project we're delivering at these buildings will be the catalyst for the continued rejuvenation of the town centre and it is just incredibly sad that a tiny minority of idiots would seek to spoil this through reckless irresponsibility.
"These incidents will not stop us delivering what we know the vast majority of people want - the restoration of these important civic buildings for everyone to enjoy - and we will continue to focus on doing that."