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Have your say on our plans to reverse nature decline

Published on 9 July 2024

With studies revealing that the UK is one of the most nature depleted countries on the Earth, halting the decline of the natural world has never been more important - and in the High Peak the Council is developing a plan to do just that.

In May High Peak Borough Council declared a nature emergency - a formal acknowledgement of the nature crisis - and made a strong commitment to nature's recovery.

Key to that is the Council's emerging Plan for Nature which provides a review of the current state of nature with the High Peak and recommends how and where nature recovery efforts should be prioritised.

The Plan, which has been developed in collaboration with Derbyshire Wildlife Trust and with input from stakeholders including local biodiversity groups, will form the basis of a formal biodiversity action plan for the Council and also inform Derbyshire County Council's Local Nature Recovery Strategy.

The Council is now publishing the draft Plan and inviting members of the public to share their views and thoughts on it.

Councillor Jean Todd, Executive Councillor for Climate Change and Environment, said: "We've made a clear statement of our firm intent to do what we can to help the natural world recover. This Plan is central to that as it will shape how the Council and our communities can respond to the nature emergency which makes it an integral part of the Borough Plan.

"I'd like to thank the Wildlife Trust and the individuals and groups who have been involved so far for their work and guidance. We're now at the point where we can share this draft Plan and ask the public for their views.

"It's only by working collaboratively that we can make the sustainable difference the natural world needs, so we do want to hear from as many people as possible.

"Please have a look at the draft Plan and complete the short survey so we can make sure we're listening to the views of everyone before we finalise it."

Find out more and complete the short survey by 19 August. Anyone unable to take part online can view the draft Plan and complete the survey at Buxton Town Hall, Monday to Friday 9.30am - 1pm, or Glossop Municipal Buildings, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9.30am - 1pm.

The Council is also keen to hear from interested or active groups and individuals who would like to contribute to delivering the Plan with local projects or wilder action engagement activities. Please email your expression of interest to