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Business funding search

NHS health checks and body MOT plus

The NHS Health Check Programme helps people spot early signs of serious health conditions such as heart disease, strokes and other health conditions and can offer them personalised advice on how to keep well.

High Peak Accelerator

The Accelerator project provides support to businesses across the East Midlands to help them start, sustain, grow and innovate.

Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI)

SFI aims to help farmers manage land in a way that improves food production and is more environmentally sustainable. You'll be eligible to apply for an SFI standards agreement if you're a farmer who is eligible for the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS)

Made Smarter East Midlands

Made Smarter East Midlands Digital experts will provide advice and support to manufacturing businesses on how to switch to advanced and automated technologies.

Create Growth

Create Growth is a business support programme for the creative industries, funded by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). The aim of the programme is to support businesses to become investment ready through a combination of workshops, peer support and mentoring.

The Key Fund

The Key Fund can provide investments from £5000 to £300,000 for community and social enterprises.

National Government Schemes for training and employment

A range of Government programmes are available for employers who are considering hiring employees, offering work experience or upskilling existing staff.

Countryside Stewardship

Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for farmers and land managers to look after their environment. The land parcels you want to include must be registered by the Rural Payments service and linked to a Single Business Identifier.

Vision Derbyshire Start up grants

The Vision Derbyshire grant scheme offers capital and revenue support for early stage businesses registered in Derbyshire

Help to Grow

A government backed programme designed to help you learn new skills, reach more customers and boost your profits.
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