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Create Growth

Create Growth is a business support programme for the creative industries, funded by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). The aim of the programme is to support businesses to become investment ready through a combination of workshops, peer support and mentoring.

At least four cohorts will run across the programme, which runs from 2023-2025. Each business will attend 6 workshops whilst also receiving bespoke mentoring. The overall aim of the programme is to make businesses investment ready and businesses will have the opportunity to meet investors where appropriate. However, a business may feel that the programme has supported organic growth, helped to reach new markets or scale-up without investment. These would also be good outcomes for the programme.

Applications are now open for Cohort 2 of Create Growth East Midlands


The programme is open to creative sector businesses based in Leicestershire, Derbyshire, Rutland and Lincolnshire.

Creative Sector businesses are defined by the DCMS as:

  • Advertising and marketing
  • Architecture
  • Crafts
  • Product design, graphic design and fashion design
  • Film, TV, video, radio and photography
  • IT, software, video games and computer services
  • Publishing and translation
  • Museums, galleries and libraries
  • Music, performing arts, visual arts and cultural education

However, we understand that sometimes work doesn't fall neatly into a category, so please contact if you are unsure.

The Create Growth programme in the East Midlands is being delivered by EMC2