Alterations to ex-council properties
If you want to alter a property that used to be a council house, you will need to apply, and pay for, consent.
Why you need to apply for consent
Consent is required as part of the 'conveyance' (transfer of legal ownership) of your property.
Alterations that need consent
You do not need consent to make any internal alterations to the property. You will need consent for any external works, such as:
- porches
- extensions
- hard standings
- driveways
- changes to external elevations
Do I need planning permission?
Yes. You must obtain any necessary planning or building consents.
If the alteration is for a driveway or hard standing for vehicles and access is required from the highway, you should contact Derbyshire County Council
How to apply
Please complete the application form below and e-mail to us along with a plan / drawings that detail the changes you are planning to make to the property.
Application to alter an ex-council house (PDF, 27 KB) (opens new window)
Are there any fees to pay?
Yes. You will need to pay for each individual alteration. We will calculate the fee once your application form is received.