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Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) Consultation

High Peak Borough Council - Call for Sites 2017

What is a 'Call for Sites'?

Government planning policy and guidance requires us to look at potential housing and employment land sites on a regular basis as part of the preparation and review of our Local Plan evidence. The Council has to undertake a call for sites, which is where we ask landowners, developers or their agents to send us details so that we can identify as many options as possible to meet any future housing and employment needs.

These sites will be recorded and assessed in the Council's Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment, or SHELAA. The assessment will look at the site's potential suitability, availability and achievability for development. We have commissioned consultants Peter Brett Associates to undertake an update SHELAA on behalf of the Council.

Site suggestions can be submitted for any piece of land that is 0.25ha or greater within the Borough. However, it is important to remember that including a site within the SHELAA does not mean that the Council thinks it is suitable for development.The SHELAA also does not allocate sites for development as this can only be done through a future review of the Local Plan.

The High Peak Local Plan adopted in 2016 is the statutory development plan for the area and will continue to be applied in determining planning applications.

What we need you to do

There is a new Call for Sites response form available here (Word doc, 30 KB).

The form should be completed and returned together with a location plan of the site, clearly identifying the boundary of the site. Supporting information can also be submitted with the form, particularly where it assists the Council in assessing the site.

Sites submitted to previous Call for Sites exercises do not need to be resubmitted, as they will automatically be reassessed.However supplementary or revised information can be sent to the Council where it is relevant to the SHELAA assessment.  

To be considered in the latest SHELAA update, site submissions need to be received by us by 5pm on the 19 January 2018. Submissions should be emailed to or by post to Regeneration Service , High Peak Borough Council, Town Hall, Buxton

Help and Contact

If you have any questions regarding the Call for Sites, or need help completing the form, please get in touch with a member of the Local Plans team at or telephone 01298 28400


Last modified on 21 December 2017

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