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Resolving 'high hedge' disputes

Legal procedures are in place to give local authorities powers to deal with complaints about high hedges

If you and your neighbours are unable to resolve an issue about the height of an evergreen hedge there are legal procedures in place giving us the power to manage the complaint.

Our role

Our role is to act as an independent assessor, to judge if the height of a hedge is adversely affecting the reasonable enjoyment of a property. We will take account of all relevant factors and balance the interests of the complainant and hedge owner.

As part of any assessment, we are unable to take into account any issues not relating to the hedge height, such as root damage.

Where circumstances justify it, we will issue a formal notice on the hedge owner setting out what they must do to the hedge to remedy the issue and when by.

Visit for information on high hedges

How to make a complaint

A complaint may be made only if evidence can be shown that efforts have been made to resolve the issue privately and if the hedge:

  • is formed by a line of 2 or more trees or shrubs
  • is wholly or mainly of evergreen or semi-evergreen species
  • is over 2 metres tall
  • forms a barrier to light or access at heights of more than 2 metres above ground level and this is not significantly affected by the presence of gaps

How much does it cost?

The fee for submitting a complaint form is £520.00.

If you believe you have a genuine complaint, please complete our form.

Results of a Complaint

There is no guarantee that a complaint will be successful.

However, if an assessment finds that the hedge is too high and action is needed, a Remedial Notice may be issued requiring specified work to be carried out to address the problems.

Failure to comply with a Remedial Notice may lead to prosecution, and/or to us entering the land, carrying out the required work and recovering costs from the hedge owner.

Please be aware that if a Remedial Notice is served this will be attached to the property as a local land charge and can be searchable when properties are sold.

Last modified on 18 September 2024

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