Where your Council Tax goes
Your council tax bill is split between this council, Derbyshire County Council, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Derbyshire and Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Authority
High Peak Borough Council (HPBC), Derbyshire County Council, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Derbyshire and Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Authority together deliver most of the local services in your area.
If you live in an area with a parish council, it too provides some local services. Please go to 'How Much You Pay' for more information.
The council tax you pay is collected by ourselves (High Peak Borough Council) on behalf of all the above authorities. The total amount is then divided between these authorities.
The table below shows how your council tax is distributed 2025 - 2026:
| County | District | Police | Fire | Total |
A | 1086.11 | 149.46 | 195.73 | 62.27 | 1493.57 |
B | 1267.12 | 174.37 | 228.36 | 72.65 | 1742.50 |
C | 1448.14 | 199.28 | 260.98 | 83.03 | 1991.43 |
D | 1629.16 | 224.19 | 293.60 | 93.41 | 2240.36 |
E | 1991.20 | 274.01 | 358.84 | 114.17 | 2738.22 |
F | 2353.23 | 323.83 | 424.09 | 134.93 | 3236.08 |
G | 2715.27 | 373.65 | 489.33 | 155.68 | 3733.93 |
H | 3258.32 | 448.38 | 587.20 | 186.82 | 4480.72 |
Please go to the Derbyshire County Council, Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Authority's website or Derbyshire Police Constabulary website for their budget information.
Some money is also paid to the Environment Agency in the form of a 'precept'.
North West Regional Flood and Coastal Committee.
A change in the gross budgeted expenditure between years reflects the programme of works for both capital and revenue needed by the Regional Flood and Coastal Committee to which you contribute. The total Local Levy raised by this committee has increased by 2%.