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Whaley Bridge and Furness Vale Neighbourhood area

Designation details

Name of Designated Neighbourhood Area: Whaley Bridge and Furness Vale
Date of designation: 24th October 2013
Map of Neighbourhood Area: download available below
Relevant body: Whaley Bridge Town Council

Made Neighbourhood Plan

Following a positive referendum result, under Section 38A (4) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, High Peak Borough Council (under delegated powers on 31st January 2024) and the Peak District National Park Authority (at a meeting of the Planning Committee on 19th January 2024) resolved to make the Whaley Bridge Neighbourhood Plan.

The Whaley Bridge Neighbourhood Plan now forms part of the Development Plans for High Peak Borough Council and the Peak District National Park Authority.

A copy of the Decision Statement which sets out the reasons why the plan was made is provided below along with a copy of the made Neighbourhood Plan.  Paper copies of the Decision Statement and Neighbourhood Plan may be viewed at Whaley Bridge Town Council, Mechanics Institute, Market Street, Whaley Bridge, High Peak SK23 7AA  (during normal opening hours).

Whaley Bridge Neighbourhood Plan Decision Statement (PDF, 164 KB)

Whaley Bridge Neighbourhood Plan (PDF, 8 MB)

Whaley Bridge Neighbourhood Plan Referendum

On the 25th October 2023, High Peak Borough Council agreed to send the Whaley Bridge Neighbourhood Plan to Referendum. The Whaley Bridge Neighbourhood Plan Referendum was held on 7th December 2023.  A majority of those who voted agreed that High Peak Borough Council and the Peak District National Park Authority should use the Neighbourhood Plan for Whaley Bridge to help them decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area.  More details about the referendum can be found by following the link below.

Decision Statement (PDF, 339 KB) (opens new window)

Examiner's Report

The Examiner's Report was received on 1st September 2023.

Examiners Report (PDF, 470 KB) (opens new window)


The independent examination of the plan started on the 6th July 2023.  The plan is being examined by Christopher Collison BA(Hons) MBA MRTPI MIED IHBC.

Examiner Initial Letter Whaley Bridge NDP Independent Examination sent 060723 (PDF, 51 KB) (opens new window)
Examiner Letter 21 07 23 (PDF, 40 KB) (opens new window)
Whaley Bridge response to Regulation 16 Representations (PDF, 546 KB) (opens new window)
Examiner letter seeking clarification of matters Whaley Bridge NDP Independent Examination sent 040823 (PDF, 125 KB) (opens new window)
Response to Examiners Letter of 4 8 23 (PDF, 131 KB) (opens new window)
Appendix to response to Examiner's Letter of 4 8 23 Carr Field (PDF, 247 KB) (opens new window)

Regulation 16 Consultation

A Draft of the Neighbourhood Development Plan has been received by the Council. Representations were invited between Thursday 11th May and Thursday 22nd June 2023.

Statutory Notice (PDF, 109 KB) (opens new window)

Neighbourhood Plan Proposal Documents

Map of Whaley Bridge neighbourhood plan (PDF, 6 MB) (opens new window)
Whaley Bridge Proposed Neighbourhood Development Plan (PDF, 8 MB) (opens new window)
Whaley Bridge Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement (PDF, 3 MB) (opens new window)
V4W Basic Conditions Statement (PDF, 336 KB) (opens new window)
HRA Screening Report Whaley Bridge (PDF, 1 MB) (opens new window)
SEA Screening Report Whaley Bridge (PDF, 1 MB) (opens new window)

Regulation 16 Representations

Canal & River Trust (PDF, 124 KB) (opens new window)
Coal Authority (PDF, 153 KB) (opens new window)
Derbyshire County Council (PDF, 481 KB) (opens new window)
Environment Agency (PDF, 109 KB) (opens new window)
Gladman Developments Ltd (PDF, 1 MB) (opens new window)
High Peak Borough Council (PDF, 186 KB) (opens new window)
High Peak Developments Ltd (PDF, 6 MB) (opens new window)
Historic England (PDF, 140 KB) (opens new window)
Natural England (PDF, 188 KB) (opens new window)
Peak District National Park Authority (PDF, 113 KB) (opens new window)
The Shuker Partnership (PDF, 1 MB) (opens new window)
Treville Properties Ltd (PDF, 907 KB) (opens new window)
United Utilities (PDF, 194 KB) (opens new window)
United Utilities Supporting Information (PDF, 475 KB) (opens new window)

Background Information

To find out more please visit Vision4Whaley website and follow @vision4whaley on social media. Information is also available from Whaley Bridge community website.

Application letter (PDF, 108 KB) (opens new window)

Contact us

If you require further information please contact the Planning Policy Team at or complete the contact form.

You can also find out more by visit Vision4Whaley website and following @vision4whaley on social media. Information is also available from Whaley Bridge community website.

Last modified on 02 February 2024

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