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Tenant Satisfaction Measures

Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) were introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) on 1 April 2023.

The Regulator has introduced TSMs to make it easier for tenants to compare the homes and services provided by their landlords.

The TSMs are intended to:

  • Enable tenants to scrutinise their landlord and hold them to account:
  • Give landlords insights on where they might look to improve services: and
  • Allow the Regulator for Social Housing (RSH) to see whether landlords are meeting the required regulatory standards.

The measures include 12 perception questions for landlords to ask tenants as part of customer surveys; we used an independent market research company, Acuity, to carry out these surveys on our behalf in November and December 2024.

There are also 10 measures that we are required to report directly to the Regulator covering things such as the number of gas safety checks completed on time and the number of complaints received - this is known as Management Information (MI).

The full set of TSM data for 2023/2024 is listed in the documents below.

High Peak TSM Report 2023-2024 (PDF, 1 MB)
Tenant Satisfaction Measures (PDF, 65 KB)
Tenant Satisfaction Measures - Question Set (PDF, 80 KB)

Last modified on 28 October 2024

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