Information about your tenancy
Detailed information about your housing tenancy agreement, your responsibilities and who to contact if you want to end your tenancy.
Housing tenancy agreement
Detailed information about your housing tenancy agreement.
Information for new tenants
Find a summary of some of the things you will have discussed as a new tenant at your initial sign up meeting.
Our responsibilities
An outline of our responsibilities to you as a housing tenant which includes our repair and maintenance service.
Your responsibilities (tenants)
As tenants of a property owned by the council you have certain responsibilities for some repairs around the home yourself.
Interactive Tenant Handbook
Our tenant handbook has been produced to provide useful and relevant information to help make the most of your tenancy
Ending a tenancy - moving house
If you are thinking of moving and ending your tenancy with us, there are important things that need to be done.
Tenant Alterations
How to request permission to make alterations and improvements.
Ending a tenancy - when a tenant has died
If you are responsible for arranging the affairs of a relative or friend who was a housing tenant, you will need to end their housing tenancy.
Housing Garages
Information on how to apply for a garage, pay your rent, report a repair and end a garage tenancy.
Tenant Satisfaction Measures
The Regulator has introduced TSMs to make it easier for tenants to compare the homes and services provided by their landlords.