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The Publication Scheme

Find out about which categories of information we make available to the public and how to access it

What is a Publication Scheme?

Under the Freedom Of Information Act, public authorities are required to have a publication scheme.

A publication scheme is a guide which tells people about the broad classes of information that we will routinely make available to the public. It includes information held in any form e.g. on websites, paper files and public registers.

We have adopted the Information Commissioner's Model Publication Scheme for local authorities. The Information Commissioner is an independent regulator who enforces and advises upon the Freedom of Information Act and has produced and approved this scheme.

Classes of information

The Publication Scheme identifies the 'classes' of information that we will publish. The Model Publication Scheme contains seven 'classes' of information:

Who we are and what we do

What we spend and how we spend it

What our priorities are and how we are doing

How we make decisions

Our policies and procedures

Lists and registers

The services we offer

All services that we offer are published on this website. Where another council or organisation provide services, we will endeavour to make this clear, and provide contact details where possible.

Other Useful Information

Trade Union Facility Time (PDF, 49 KB)

Trade Union Facility Time CSV (gi.ui.mediatype.excelfile, 1 KB)

High Peak Counter Fraud Information (PDF, 67 KB)

High Peak Counter Fraud csv (gi.ui.mediatype.excelfile, 1 KB)


Information supplied on this page under the publication scheme is freely available for you to re-use. However please ensure that the information is used without modification. 

To request use of any images (including the council's crest) please contact our communications team.

Your feedback

We value your opinion and would welcome your comments on any aspect of our Publication Scheme. In particular we would welcome feedback on:

  • whether you have understood the purpose of the Publication Scheme.
  • are there any other areas that you would like included in the scheme?
  • did the structure of the scheme allow you to find information easily?
  • how could we improve the Scheme?
Last modified on 12 September 2024

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