Here you can find contact information for licensing.
If you wish to hold an event in a public place please use the below form to contact us.
For all other licensing enquiries please use the licensing contact form.
Road closure orders
All you need to know about road closure orders
Personal licence
Find out more on what a personal licence is, how to apply and who can object
Premises licences
Information on how to apply for a premises licence, vary or transfer and more
Taxi licensing
Information on how to apply, renew, transfer or change a drivers and vehicle licence, and more
Temporary event notice (TEN)
How to apply for a TEN if you want to carry out a 'licensable activity' on any unlicensed premises
Street trading consent
Information on street trading and renewing or applying for a new licence or consent
Animal licensing
Apply for an animal activity licence (animal boarding, dog breeding, exhibiting/performing, hiring of horses, selling animals as pets) or a zoo/dangerous wild animal licence