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Local Plan consultation and examination

Details of consultations and studies that have taken place to inform the Local Plan

Consultation and examination of the Local Plan and it's associated documents began years before it was finally adopted in April 2016. Important milestones are set out below.

December 2015 - Main Modifications

Consultation on the main modifications to the Local Plan was carried out from 10 December 2015 to 28 January 2016. Documents can be viewed on the online consultation portal.

August 2014 - The Local Plan submission

The Local Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State on 28th August 2014. 

December 2013 - Additional consultation

Additional consultation took place between 27 December 2013 and 10 February 2014 and sought views on potential changes to Local Plan preferred options published in February 2013.

High Peak Local Plan Additional Consultation (PDF, 12 MB) (opens new window)

Sustainability Appraisal Report Additional Consultation Local Plan December 2013 (PDF, 918 KB) (opens new window)

February 2013 - Preferred options

Public consultation on the preferred options was carried out from Wednesday 27 February to Wednesday 10 April 2013. This consultation sought views on our preferred approaches for the key issues addressed by the Local Plan. A number of drop in sessions were run throughout the borough so that people could see the proposals and talk to planning officers.

High Peak Local Plan Preferred Options (PDF, 3 MB) (opens new window)

High Peak Local Plan Preferred Options - Maps (PDF, 14 MB) (opens new window)

Proposals map - Buxton (PDF, 8 MB) (opens new window) Proposals map - Central Area North (PDF, 6 MB) (opens new window)

Proposals map - Central Area South (PDF, 8 MB) (opens new window) Proposals map - Glossop (PDF, 8 MB) (opens new window)

Draft Sustainability Appraisal Report Preferred Options February 2013 (PDF, 5 MB) (opens new window)

Draft Habitat Regulations Assessment February 2013 (PDF, 16 MB) (opens new window)

Interim Infrastructure Delivery Plan (PDF, 298 KB) (opens new window)

Report of drop in sessions March 2013 (PDF, 13 MB) (opens new window)

Summary of consultation feedback to the High Peak Local Plan Preferred Options Consultation (PDF, 3 MB) (opens new window)

September 2012 - Options consultation

The Local Plan options consultation took place between 13 September and 25 October 2012. 

This consultation sought local people's views on options for a number of key issues such as housing requirements, potential housing development sites and possible changes to policies.

The feedback report from the drop in session can be found on the online consultation portal.

Consultation documents

Glossopdale High Peak Local Plan Options Consultation (PDF, 14 MB) (opens new window)

Central Area High Peak Local Plan Options Consultation (PDF, 13 MB) (opens new window)

Buxton High Peak Local Plan Options Consultation (PDF, 12 MB) (opens new window)

SA Scoping Report 2012 (PDF, 8 MB) (opens new window)

High Peak Local Plan Policy Consultation (PDF, 3 MB) (opens new window)

Options consultation - Summary of responses (PDF, 925 KB) (opens new window)

Have your say

The Local Plan has now been adopted and consultation has finished. However, if you'd like to register on the online consultation portal you'll be notified of any future relevant consultations.

Last modified on 17 September 2024

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