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Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) and design guidance

SPDs provide more detailed advice and guidance on policies in the Local Plan. We use them to help us make decisions on planning applications. 

Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

The Council adopted a Developer Contributions SPD on 25 October 2023. The SPD sets out details regarding the Council's approach to planning obligations and the types of contributions that will be required. The adopted SPD and supporting statements can be found below.

Developer Contributions SPD (PDF, 1 MB)
HP Adoption Statement (PDF, 126 KB)
Developer Contributions SPD Consultation Statement (PDF, 601 KB)
SEA Screening Report (PDF, 224 KB)
HRA Screening Report (PDF, 2 MB)

Water in Buxton

The Water In Buxton SPD was adopted by the Council on 9th December 2021. The SPD seeks to provide additional guidance in support of policies in the adopted High Peak Local Plan 2016 which aim to protect the quality and quantity of water sources in the Buxton area and to minimise phosphate levels in the River Wye and the Peak District Dales Special Area of Conservation (SAC).

Water in Buxton SPD (PDF, 2 MB)

Appendix A Code of Practice Drilling (PDF, 1 MB)

Appendix B Code of Practice Excavations (PDF, 1 MB)

Appendix D Map of Nature Conservation Sites (PDF, 5 MB)

Adoption Statement (PDF, 116 KB)

Schedule of Modifications (PDF, 191 KB)

Consultation Statement (PDF, 258 KB)

Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Report (PDF, 924 KB)

SEA Screening Determination Statement (PDF, 113 KB)

High Peak Design Guide 

The Council has recently adopted the High Peak Design Guide SPD. Since its adoption the Government has published its revised National Planning Policy Framework 2018.  The Council's design guide should be applied with regard to the revised framework and in particular Chapter 12 -  Achieving well designed places.

High Peak Design Guide SPD

High Peak Design Guide Adoption Statement (PDF, 96 KB)

High Peak Design Guide Consultation Statement (PDF, 131 KB)

Housing development

Housing design and layout, produced by HPBC.

Adopted residential design SPD (December 2005) (PDF, 4 MB) (opens new window)  
Residential Design SPD - Sustainability Appraisal Report (PDF, 818 KB) (opens new window)

Making developments safer, produced by HPBC and Derbyshire Police.

Designing out crime SPD (June 2005) (PDF, 14 MB) (opens new window)

Shop fronts

Design guidance for shop fronts and signage.

Design guide for signs (PDF, 1 MB) (opens new window)   Design guide for shop fronts (PDF, 1 MB) (opens new window)

Buxton Design and Place Making Strategy

We have worked with the public to put together a strategy to provide a clear vision for how Buxton's town centre will look as it continues to change. We also agreed to a set of design principles to guide and manage future change.

Buxton Design and Place Making Strategy (PDF, 5 MB) (opens new window)

Buxton Station Road Design Framework (PDF, 10 MB)

Glossop Design and Place Making Strategy

This has been put together by the public and follows a programme of workshops held in 2010. People and groups with an interest in Glossop were invited to have their say and put together a vision for the future development of the town and its surrounding area.

Glossop Design and Place Making Strategy (sections 1-4) (PDF, 16 MB) (opens new window)

Glossop Design and Place Making Strategy (sections 5-6) (PDF, 6 MB) (opens new window)

Design brief - Woods Mill area (PDF, 7 MB) (opens new window)   Design brief - Town Hall complex (PDF, 3 MB) (opens new window)

SPD - Consultation document (PDF, 27 KB) (opens new window)   SPD - Adoption statement (PDF, 13 KB) (opens new window)

Landscape character

We have worked with partners to provide guidance for the design and location of new development in the countryside to ensure that it respects and contributes towards enhancing local character of the landscape.

Landscape Character SPD (March 2006) (PDF, 1 MB) (opens new window)

Consultation statement (Landscape character SPD) (PDF, 37 KB) (opens new window)   Sustainability appraisal (Landscape character SPD) (PDF, 2 MB) (opens new window)

Torr Vale Development Brief

Torr Vale Mill development brief (PDF, 568 KB) (opens new window)

Character appraisals

Read more about adopted character appraisals.

Last modified on 30 October 2023

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